weekend Getaways from Jharsuguda

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Best waterfall in Western Odisha

The Koilighughar Waterfall, call it a well-preserved secret of jharsuguda dist of odisha, falls offers a break from the horrid summers and makes for a perfect spot to unwind. A breathtaking sights , this falls plunges from a height of 200 ft to makes its way into a sea green lake at the bottom.

fall is in the lakhanpur, near the village kushmelbahal. the waterfall is in rivulet named ahiraj which originated from the chuikhanch forest. after the fall there is lakh down the fall and then flow west wards to merge into the hirakud dam in river mahanadi. 

There is a pathway made along the small stream on which the falls are located on the upstream side. one can walk over it to cross over to other side. there is a shiv-lingam known as maheswarnath inside the water flowing in this waterfall area. only in summer time, when water level decreased, peoples can see the shiv linga.

Due to that another shiv ling is placed near to waterfall, which peoples visit that place can do offerings and puja. there is also a ashram near to this place. 

Travel info :-

Best time to visit :- Oct to Mar

District :- Jhasrsuguda

Elevation :-  60.96 meters

open time :- Day

Popular cuisine :- Local food

Attraction :-

Nearest Bus stop :- Gobindpur bus stop 5.km from spot.

Nearest Railway st. :- Jharsuguda Junction or Belpahar.

Travel option :- Taxi, Bus, Train

Nearest town :- hemgir, belphar

Dist from Bhubaneswar :- 566 km

"odisha a land of unforgettable memories and hidden treasures" 

But i have one request that my dear friends who over is visiting these scenic beauties keep it clean and green.

if you take care of the nature the nature will nurture you or else we will be facing many calamities and pandemic.

keep nature clean and green



09 Jun 2020
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